Overnight the existing CRM system's batch processing updates the Insurance Contract Administration system with customer data updates. 现有CRM系统的批处理会在夜间使用客户数据更新保险联系人管理系统。
Any agreements involving this insurance contract should be in writing. 凡涉及本保险合同的约定,均应采用书面形式。
An Insurance contract determines the legal framework under which the features of an insurance policy are enforced. 所有保险合同确立了一个法律框架,在此框架下保险单的各要素才得以实施。
Clauses is the main content of insurance contract, set the right of insurance contract party and obligation directly, have sanction to insurance contract party, it is the basis that insurance contract is able to fulfill and condition. 保险条款是保险合同的主要内容,直接规定保险合同当事人的权利和义务,对保险合同当事人具有约束力,是保险合同得以履行的依据和条件。
The underwriter's mainest obligation wants the regulation according to insurance contract namely, assume liability to pay compensation. 保险人最基本的义务就是要按照保险合同的规定,承担赔偿责任。
Money paied into this insurance contract is locked in until you die or stop working. 你投入保险合同,的钱款是搁死了的,到你死去或停止工作时才能动用。
The conditions and amount for payment of surrender value shall be specified in the insurance contract. 偿付解约金之条件及金额,应载明于保险契约。
Is reinsurance contract an liability insurance contract? 再保险合同是责任保险合同吗?
Insurance contract is concluded by policy-holder and underwriter. 保险合同是由投保人和保险人订立的。
Above all, when property insurance contract concludes, contract both sides must be assumed tell obligation. 首先,在财产保险合同订立时,合同双方都须承担告知义务。
Service quality, risks of occupation and fixed deposit rates have outstanding influence on life insurance contract duration. 其中,服务质量、职业风险以及定期存款利率对契约持续的影响最大。
The insurance contract comprising the premium and the indemnity depicts the game relationship between the insured and the insurer, which reflects the behavior preferences of the two parties. 由保费和赔付构成的保险契约,抽象了投保人和保险人的博弈关系,反映了二者的行为偏好。
This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract. 此规则对于长期人寿保险合同下的被保险人意义重大。
According to our country "insurance law" regulation, policy-holder concludes with the underwriter namely insurance contract, have the person that pays insurance premium obligation according to insurance contract. 根据我国《保险法》规定,投保人就是与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人。
This scheme is an insurance contract issued by Zurich Life Insurance Company Limited. 本计划是由苏黎世人寿所发出的一份保险合约。
That is to say insurance premium pays, affect the effectiveness of insurance contract only. 也就是说保险费支付与否,只影响保险合同的效力。
Abandonment appears in the ship insurance contract of marine insurance first. 委付最初出现于海上保险中的船舶保险合同中。
That sto say the insured cannotexpectto make a profitoutofthe insurance contract. 也就是说,被保险者不能期望从保险合同获利。
In freightage insurance contract, of insurance mark is the goods in carriage process. 在货物运输保险合同中,保险标的是在运输过程中的货物。
Insurant is the person that gets insurance contract safeguard. 被保险人是受保险合同保障的人。
Issue of insurable interest in insurance contract for carriage of goods by sea; 人身保险利益在保险的法理和实务中都具有重要的意义。
After fulfilling legal to change insurance contract procedures, insurance contract continues effective. 在履行法定的变更保险合同手续后,保险合同继续有效。
A valued insurance contract is an insurance contract that expressly states a definite value for the subject-matter insured. 定值保险契约,为契约上载明保险标物一定价值之保险契约。
Additional, still exist in insurance contract person of two kinds of relations, this is insurant and beneficiary beneficiary. 另外,在保险合同中还存在两种关系人,这就是被保险人和受益人。
Is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract. 指保险人根据保险合同的规定,向被保险人支付的赔偿保险责任损失的金额。
Policy-holder and underwriter are the person that the right is enjoyed in insurance contract concern and assumes obligation, it is insurance contract party. 投保人和保险人是保险合同关系中享有权利并承担义务的人,是保险合同当事人。
Reinsurance is built on the foundation of primary insurance contract. 再保险是在原保险合同的基础上建立的。
Below what circumstance can the underwriter remove insurance contract? 保险人在什么情况下可以解除保险合同?
A surety bond involves three parties: the surety, the principal, and the obligee; while an insurance contract generally involves two parties: the insurer and the insured. 保证保险涉及保证人、被保证人和权利人三方,而保险合同通常只涉及保险人和被保险人两方。